Embassy of Hungary in Brasilia

Brazil > Hungary

AddressS.E.S. Av. das Nacoes, Quadra 805. Lote 19.
70413-900, Brasília DF
Phonelocal: (061) 3443.0836
international: +55.61.3443.0836
Visas & Consularlocal: (061) 3443.0836
international: +55.61.3443.0836
Faxlocal: (061) 3443.3434
international: +55.61.3443.3434
Web sitehttp://www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/brasilia
HoursMonday-Friday: 9.00-13.00
NotesConsular district:
Brazil, excepting the states of Sao Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina; Guyana, Columbia and Suriname

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